Female Anatomy Exposed:
If the female sex organs were visible like the male sex organs,
would they still be removed from 622,000 women each year?
Myth: “Only men have gonads.”
FACT: A woman’s gonads are her ovaries. Removal of the ovaries is castration, and the aftereffects are to women what the aftereffects of removal of the testicles are to men.
Myth: “Sex will be better than ever after hysterectomy.”
FACT: Removal of the uterus causes the loss of uterine orgasm, one of the many irreversible consequences of hysterectomy.
Myth: “After the surgery you’ll feel like a million bucks!”
FACT: The most common problems women report after hysterectomy include loss of sexual feeling, loss of vitality, bone/joint/muscle pain, fatigue, and personality change.
Myth: “Doctors don’t perform as many hysterectomies as they used to.”
FACT: Less than 2% of all hysterectomies are life-saving. Most hysterectomies are performed for benign conditions, not medical problems. The rate of cancer in the female sex organs and the male sex organs is almost identical. The rate of male sex organ removal is statistically insignificant, and yet in the last decade an average of 622,000 hysterectomies and 454,000 female castrations were performed each year in the U.S. That’s more than one every minute of every hour of every day. There are 22 million women alive today in America whose sex organs have been removed.
Myth: Doctors don’t have enough time to provide information about female anatomy and the functions of the female organs before they tell women to sign hysterectomy consent forms.
FACT: It takes just a few seconds for doctors to hand women HERS’ 12-minute “Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs” DVD, available at www.hersfoundation.org/anatomy.
HERS’ 12-minute female anatomy video makes the female organs visible. It fills the information gap and can prevent about 610,000 unnecessary hysterectomies each year and save more than $17B+/year in rising healthcare costs.
Then sign the Petition to compel doctors to provide the information in this video to every woman before she is told to sign a Hysterectomy Consent Form.
Oh how I wish I could go back in time. Jan 31 2022 I had a total hysterectomy. I had complex hyperplasia with atypia. I am postmenopausal and had been bleeding. The gyno did a biopsy and then referred me to an oncologist. She told me that I have a 30 percent chance of having concurrent cancer in the muscle of the uterus. And the definitive approach to manage this is a total hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries and a sentinel lymph node biopsy. Out of fear of cancer I unfortunately agreed. Shouldn’t she have known if I had cancer by the blood test? Shouldn’t she of done an ultrasound or a D & C? She rushed me into the operating room in less than a week. The pathology report came back negative for cancer. All of my organs were removed just because I had hyperplasia. Which could have been treated with an IUD and progestin, I found out later. I am now 9 weeks post op and feel fatigue, constipation,blurry vision, and my back aches every day. I lost my uterine orgasm I feel DEAD. And I am terrified of organ prolapse, osteoporosis and heart disease, and lymphadema. This operation is the biggest regret of my life. I wish I hadn’t gotten so scared I , I wish I took the time to get a 2nd and even a 3rd opinion. Or that I had gone to the library and read some books on hysterectomy. But I didn’t. I was terrified thinking that I may already have cancer. Now I have to learn to live in this nightmare. The loss of my sexuality is profound.
Hi Sophie, pretty much same story as me, I’m 4 years post op now and slowly it’s now my normal and the grief is passing. I tried to sue but there was no case!!! According to Nice Guidelines all was within the law! I wish you well it does get better, i manage and make the most of life,❤️🌸🙏
I am 37 and 6 weeks post op from a laproscopic total hysterectomy, leaving both my ovaries. I can honestly say I don’t regret my surgery at all. After dealing with the pain from endometriosis for the last 20 yrs I am happy to be pain free! I had horrible bleeding and cramping every 2 weeks, and my uterus was so swollen it put constant pressure on my bladder causing me to have incontinence issues. The pain the endometriosis caused during sex was horrible. I am happy to be able to live my life free of constant pain, and not having to deal with incontinence issues is amazing. I’m only 6 weeks post op so I’m not how sex will be, but it was so painful before, it’s bound to be better now that it won’t be painful.
I was a victim of unscrupulous doctors running a surgical racket. I was bullied, threatened, totally mislead and misinformed into a radical hysterectomy by rogue doctors who fabricated non-existent bleeding and scarring, forcing me into a curette, the fabricating cancer, and used me to experiment with laparoscopic surgery at a teaching hospital. Had one person told me that 90% of all gynaecological procedures are unnecessary, especially hysterectomies, I would have run for my life. These dangerous doctors butchered 6 healthy organs, botched it irreparably, then gleefully said that all my removed organs were as clean as a whistle. No malignancy whatsoever. What those criminals did to me is fraud, and criminal medical malpractice. If you want to know the truth on the mentality of gynaecologists, please read: "Men Who Control Women's Health", "Male Practice: How Doctors Manipulate Women", and the many books on unnecessary hysterectomies, most written by enlightened, ethical gynaecologists who spill the beans on their own profession.
I’m SO SORRY for what you went through 😭
I have a complete prodentia (POP) my uterus is healthy, but I don’t want it removed. I just want a repair for my pelvic organ prolapse so I have to wait because my gynaecologist is on maternity leave.( Isn’t that ironic But a gynaecologist I saw could not understand why I want to keep my uterus. The uterus does more than carry babies.) I wish for you to be healthy & well.
It seems the ovaries are the key for post hysterectomy contentment and should not be removed unless neccessary or life threatening. Perhaps a small 1% chance of a fibroid being cancerous is not life threatening and perhaps frequent heavy monthly bleeding is manageable. However, a very large noncancerous fibroid that continues to grow could be very life threatening and for an anemic person frequent heavy bleeding could present health issues. I feel a woman needs to understand her own health when deciding if she should have a hysterectomy. Doctors should not assume that a women understands how her body works before or after menopause. It seems doctors need to do a better job helping women understand the physical consequences of having or not having a hysterectomy.
Marilyn (the name HERS assigned you to replace anonymous),
What was causing your symptoms, what was the diagnosis?
I am 18 days post op. I too was severely anemic and had to have a transfusion. I spent a whole year and lots of money trying less invasive options. It finally came down to having a hysterectomy. I was bleeding non-stop. Everyone is different and judging and bickering does not help anyone. Each person has to do what is best for her. Most of the success stories and positive experiences never make it to the Internet.
Hello. 32 year old mom here. Happily married and have a 9 year old a twin 7 year olds. I have ALWAYS had horrible peruods and cramping, but last August at my routine pap I mentioned to my Doc. It was worse, cramps were worse and I always have pressure down there. Especially during intercourse. Nothing was done about it then, 2 months later I was feeling awful, went in for bloodwork and found out I was anemic. She put me on iron suplements, and sprintec. After the first month I noticed the cramping with my periods was gone. Although ai was still spotting most of the month along with my normal period. I went back last month for my retesring on my iron levels and although she said to continue the iron now, if it wasn't higher at the next visit a transfusion would be needed. They called several days later to have me come in for a b12 injection, as that was low too. Since this time I have been bleeding NON stop. Ome day i bled so fast that i litterally soaked my pants walking to the bathroom. Got in the tub took my pants and panties off and 2 fist size clots fell out. Yesterday I got in with the obgyn that delivered my fist born son. He told me that I had large fibroids on my utertus and that a hysterctomy was my only solution. He wants to schedule the procedure mid April. I am so sick of feeling weak and tired and so sick of bleeding, but after reading all this I AM ALSO now questioning the procedure. I plan on calling the hotline during the day, as kt is midnight here.
It must feel great to be no longer have the symptoms of heavy bleeding and blood clots caused by your fibroids. Were you told that you could have been symptom free, no more heavy bleeding or blood clots, by having only your fibroids removed, not your uterus? The surgery is called myomectomy, the surgical removal of fibroids, leaving the uterus intact and functional.
You said you are five weeks post-op, and that your sex drive is the same. Since gynecologists advise not having sex for six weeks, I understand your saying that your "sex drive" is the same, but not that you are still able to experience the contractions of the uterus during orgasm, because your uterus was removed.
Women reading your post might think that having their uterus removed would be a breeze, and that they would be the same sexually. They need to understand that the uterus is a hormone responsive sex organ. If their uterus is removed they will have a shortened vagina, they will not experience uterine orgasm, and they will have a 3X greater risk of cardiovascular disease, and if their ovaries are removed the risk is 5X greater.
I just had a TAH January 13th, 2014. I had years of heavy bleeding and clots, suffered from anemia and polyps and two large fibroids were also found during surgery in my uterus. I am five weeks post-op today and feel great. I kept both of my ovaries, and I really do think it makes a difference during recovery prior to menopause. I also believe the healthier you are going into surgery plays a part in the recovery process as well. My sex drive is the same. I am 35, I do not regret this surgery. After years of suffering I feel free. My anemia caused so many issues mentally and physically I was happy to get those diseased organs out of me. Wether you decide to have the surgery or not, with the pain I lived through, I would not change my decision.
Same here Annie. I am 66 and had a hysterectomy when I was 40. They left one ovary, for which I am grateful because I didn't go into instant menopause. It's very possible I could've done without one. That I don't know, but to this day I'm happy I went through with it. The sex was just as good after. Had no effect on my life whatsoever other than I felt much better and had no more bleeding, no more anaemia and overall felt much better. I wouldn't recommend a hysterectomy unless it was absolutely necessary, but I am having a problem with all these horror stories.
I can not understand all all this?? I had my Uterus removed at 36 and never looked back.
Sex is MUCH better because I have no worries. Life is better because I have no bleeding.
I am now 52 and have never had any problems – only improvment!
I did not want to open an account so that is why this is amonymous
Fantastic!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with other women. Great decision!
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On Aug. 2006 my doctor recommended hysterectomy to remove ny huge fibroids. At the very last minute of the surgery I backed off, dispite the peer pressure and the fear factor (your fibroids will get cancerous and stuff like that).
It's been five years, and not having the surgery is the best decision I have had in my life!
I still look like a four month pregnant woman, I am 50 years old, but I feel like a million bucks!
many of these myths have been created simply to evade the reality
I had a hysterectomy with my ovaries removed about two years ago because I was having very heavy periods and almost 2 menstrual perios a month. Someone suggested a Hysterectomy so I went to a doctor and spoke about the process. He told me if I left my ovaries in, I would still have the PMS and craziness I was feeling. He said if I took my ovaries out, I would notice a change (positive) with my emotions so I told him to take the ovaries. Little did I know what I was in store for. I was not shown a video, and the doctor didn't explain what could happen to me if the ovaries were taken. Oh how I wish I could go back because I would much rather bleed every day of the motnh than what has happened to me emotionally and physically since the operation. I have no zest for life, I lost my personality and sense of humor, I have no energy and feel sad the majority of the time. This has caused major problems with my career as they think I must be using drugs because I have dozed off at my computer and am not the same person. I have been written up and reprimanded for doing an unsatisfactory job (child protection). I used to get excellent evaluations before the surgery. I wish there was something I could do legally to the doctor for not explaining the pros and cons in depth, and sue my place of employment for harrassment/discrimination due to my health problems. My employment does not believe me when I tell them the changes are from my hysterectomy. Please, Please do not get one unless it is a life and eath siutation.
Patrick D wrote:
Hello friend amazing and very professional information about Hysterectomy Myths vs Facts I'm very interesting in this topic because I have problems in my marriage.
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is it normal for ur tail to hurt after a hysterectomy . and leg pain.
FACT: When you are on the operating table it takes a few minutes for the surgeon to determine that he (usually) is looking at normal organs. When you hear the ‘Right’ you know he’s going to proceed anyway. It happens so often. (Having written this I’ve seen many lovely men open, look and close – I just wish there were more). The trick is you say to the patient after that the ovaries didnt look normal, too large etc, let her wait for the pathology so she gets worried and then tell her the great news that all is okay.
Women must stop this medicalisation of themselves. At age 80 very few women will have a pelvic tumor but most if not all men will have an abnormality (cancerous) tumour of the prostate.
We women are the master sex when it comes to longevity and health. Of that there is no doubt and yet we are 50% more likely to go to the doctor.