Hysterectomy: Hands Off My Uterus!
An interview with Nora W. Coffey, the founder of Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services (HERS) Foundation.
Nora Coffey went into surgery for a straight-forward procedure to remove a benign cyst and left without her uterus and ovaries, a startling medical event that changed her life, compelling her to found HERS, the Hysterectomy Educational Resources and Services Foundation, to educate other women about the subject.
Her cautionary tale is especially relevant as robotic surgery is touted as an expedient, efficient and safer minimally invasive procedure for hysterectomy.
I was diagnosed with endometriosis 35 years ago in my early 20’s with one child. I was told I would need a hysterectomy due to all the pain and scarring. I wanted more children so I chose to continue surgeries, medicine and pain. I had my last surgery for endometriosis ten years after my diagnosis and had one child a few years prior and one a few years after my last surgical procedure. Not for everyone but I went to a wellness Dr., Chinese medicine and it worked for me. Over the past five years I have had two surgeries for polyps and surgery for bowel, bladder and uterine prolapse. My urogynecologist recommended a hysterectomy and I said only if my D&C came back with something to be worried about. Nothing was found so at 57 I still have everything I came into this world with. My uterus was the best out of all three. My surgeon and her resident were shocked that I knew about the study associating cognitive function with the uterus. Sadly, over thirty years after my diagnosis the medical community still does not know what causes endometriosis – why?! I don’t want a debate but I’m a little baffled where politicians can tell me what I can and cannot do with my uterus and the medical community says it is only good for having children and then it is a throw away organ. This doesn’t make sense. Why don’t we have more options? Why doesn’t the medical community know more about and invest more in the relationship between cognitive function and the uterus? If the argument is that God created life, that means my uterus also. Do you really thing a God, or whomever you do/don’t believe in would create a disposable organ? We women need to demand more! We are the majority
Hi Trish, where can I found out more about the connection between cognitive function and the uterus please?
The connection between cognition and hysterectomy has been documented in medical literature for several years. If you would like information please contact the HERS Foundation at HERS@hersfoundation.org.
I had surgery to remove a polyp that was diagnosed during a saline ultrasound at UIC hospital in Chicago where I was sent for this test by the VA. The surgery had to be delayed for over a year due to covid. The pathology came back from one lab as concerning and was sent to another lab for a second opinion and was diagnosed with focal complex hyperplasia with atypia which means precancer only in the polyp. I asked if the rest of my endometrium has atypia and the gynecologist said seems to be. I opted to get the mirena iud but the gynecologist said ” Im recommending a hysterectomy right now”. She said there’s a 40 percent chance I already have cancer but you cant tell that until after the hysterectomy. She said she will leave the ovaries. I am scared this really is cancer but also suspicious that I sat around for over a year NOT getting cancer. Im supposed to have biopsies every three months until I am mentally ready for hysterectomy. The gynecologist said since Im 46 I have only 5 years to menopause anyway. Also, having a precancerous condition and not being referred to an oncologist, given an mri, blood testing etc. seems unusual. I feel like I am negotiating my own body. On the other hand I might be settling myself up for cancer if I refuse. Im afraid to get another D &C because what if I wake up and they say they had to do a hysterectomy? I dont trust this AT ALL. I asked about side affects from the hysterectomy and the Dr. Said ” there are but we can deal with that later with medication”. I am sensitive to medicine to begin with and already being a chronic pain patient Im afraid I cant take more pain. This is at the VA so its not based on money. Does anyone know?
You seem to have some, but not all, of the information about polyps that you need to make a fully informed decision. You can contact HERS by filling out the brief Contact form by going to their website at hersfoundation.org, emailing HERS at HERS@hersfoundation.org or calling 610-667-7757. A truly informed decision cannot be made until you receive all of the information required to make a fully informed decision.
J ai 69 ans, hyperplasie endomètre 2 cm asymptomatique, polype
Échec hysteroscopie cause fausse route donc on sait pas si c est Bénin ou malin. Les gynéco préconisent hystérectomie prevemtive
Ça fait 6 mois que je recule l échéance. Finalement je vais faire une IRM pour voir s il y a tumeur ou pas
A cystectomy, removal of an ovarian cyst without removing the ovary or any organs, can usually be performed. There are uncommon situations when a cystectomy cannot be done.
Post-menopausal ovarian cysts are common. If you would like HERS to email information to you about ovarian cysts please email HERS at HERS@hersfoundation.org. You can also scan and email the written reports of any imaging studies that have been done in the last three years which will provide information about what kind of ovarian cyst you have.
Hi Nora Thankyou for your reply.
I had an MRI recentely but I don’t know the results of the report on that as it wasn’t discussed or shown to me when I went to see this other gynae recentely, he had come from another hospital. And told me that the surgeon who I had been refered to from the first gynae?! Said that the surgery would be with a different surgeon to the one I was refered to. And surgery would be Sept.
Then later that day the nurse phoned me and said he had got it wrong. The surgery is with who I was refered to, and would be in April.
I do have all my letters/reports however, and the cyst is multiseptated complex mass, on the right Ovary, and a few cysts on the left Ovary measuring about 4cm in total. So I guess this why they want to take the Ovaries out.
The endometrial thickness appeared at 11 mm on the scan. I had a biopsy and the results showed nothing abnormal.
The cyst has grown from 9cm to 16cm in 2-3 years.
I Would like some information please, and some advice would be much appreciated.
There should be more details of the MRI that are important. Since you have the report, please scan and email it. Without the full report it leaves me guessing about important available information. I do not guess, I believe women have a right and need to know the facts.
I have just discovered Hers, whilst looking for information. I have a large ovarian cyst (16cm) and the lining of my womb is thickened. The endometrial biopsy came back with no abnormalities. I am 54 and have gone through the menopause. The gynaecologist said he would remove my ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and put a +- on my appendix and womb.
As I reluctant to have my womb out. In fact I want the cyst out and that’s because it’s so big and has grown from 9 cm to 16cm in 2 years.
Please advise me what to do.
Thank you HERS. You were the first, of many sites I found, that provided information I needed to make an informed decision.
I read someplace that the new administration was against C-sections. Could someone inform the new administration about the unnecessary healthcare costs of hysterectomies and all of the negative health issues it causes? Maybe this administration will do something about it because of their pro-life stance and goal to reduce our bottom line in healthcare costs. I think they would listen.
Planned Parenthood took a stand against legislation introduced in Indiana and other states when HERS led a nationwide protest against doctor's and the hospitals that enable them to perform hysterectomies without providing women with the information required for informed consent.
Planned Parenthood's position against the Hysterectomy Informed Consent legislation:
"From: Planned Parenthood Action Network of Indiana House Bill 1366: Informed consent for a hysterectomy, was heard in committee, but not voted on. However, this bill, which would have required a physician to obtain a special consent before performing a hysterectomy, may not have gone away and may reappear as a study committee. Thank you to all of our supporters who spoke out against this incredibly unjust and unnecessary bill."
(This is incorrect. To the contrary, legislation would empower women with the information that is requisite to informed consent. Planned Parenthood wants women to be denied the information they need. Their attitude assumes women cannot make their own decisions.)
Can somebody tell me if Planned Parenthood is a positive or negetive force when it comes to this subject of unnecessary hysterectomy? Have they ever performed unnecessary hysterectomies? Do they warn women about unnecessary hysterectomies? Thank You – Josh, eaton@usa.com
I wish you had found HERS before last March, too. I am so sorry.
Have you considered filing a lawsuit against the doctor who did this to you, and the hospital that allowed it?
Go to HERS website at http://www.hersfoundation.org for more information. If you would like information by email, fill out the Contact form, and use the Comments section to tell us what information you would like us to email to you.
If you would like to schedule a telephone appointment to speak with a counselor you can call HERS at 610-667-7757.
I WISH I had found this site in 3/2015 as that is when I was castrated!! I went to the ER for pain on the right side. Tests revealed nothing, but on call OB said I needed everything taken out. I was confused and doped up on dilaudid. He couldn't give me any explanation except it would get rid of the pain. I didn't sign the consent that night because I didn't want the surgery and I was really scared to have my ovaries removed. OB told me that they are dead and useless to me. He removed everything including my appendix. I was told after surgery that o had appendicitis…nothing more. My female organs were perfect and healthy. My life has been a living hell since!!! Thank you for spreading the word!!!
Fibroids are benign growths of muscle and connective tissue. They slowly and gradually grow until you reach menopause, then they shrink to a negligible size.
For more information you can email HERS at HERS@hersfoundation.org, and go to HERS website at http://www.hersfoundation.org for more detailed information. In the navigation bar at the top of HERS website click on "Female Anatomy" video. Every woman needs this important information.
I am from Ukraine. And our doctors tell that fibroids dangerous as subjected to malignancy. There are such information in our medical books. Why such different information about fibromyoma in our countries? Suggest me please good medical literature about this problem. Help me please.
Anal incontinence is another side effect. Women are now literally $*%@ing their pants so the monsters in white coats can buy their vacation homes???
"After abdominal hysterectomy, patients reported increased symptoms of gas incontinence, urge to defecate, and inability to distinguish between gas and feces ( P < 0.05). There was a tendency of increased fecal incontinence. Subgroup analysis indicated that concomitant bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy resulted in an increased risk of fecal incontinence."
Marie – I am sorry you have had so much cancer in your family. I am also sorry that you did not get informed consent about hysterectomy. Unfortunately, that is typical. I do not know of any woman who did. There is plenty of evidence (studies) showing that the loss of ovarian hormones from ovary removal or post-hysterectomy ovarian failure increases risk for a number of health problems such as heart disease, osteoporosis, dementia, mood disorders, poor sleep quality, cognitive and memory impairment, vision deterioration, adverse skin changes, muscle wasting, loss of sexual function (desire, arousal, response), etc. HRT is a personal decision. Do your research.
I found this site too late but wish there was a similar site about HRT so I could make an informed decision about whether or not to take hormones. I have a hereditary gene mutation. My mother, father, two sisters and my brother all have cancer. I was terrified of getting cancer and agreed to a hysterectomy reluctantly since I am 41. I wish a study was done like this for the effects of hormone therapy long term or the lack there of and how it affects the body. Thank you for sharing. Sincerely, Marie
please tell me are not the physical therapy methods of treatment forbidden at myoma, fibroid, it is possible to accept warm baths, bath-house, massage of body in area of uterus and lower back?
I can imaging how difficult it must be to discover shortly after surgery what other hysterectomized women report, and factual information about the functions of the female organs and what happens anatomically when they are removed.
It is assumed (please correct me if I am wrong), that you meant you had a hysterectomy 3 wks ago, not at age 3.
The anatomical facts about the consequences of hysterectomy are irrefutable. Although every person is unique, when the supporting ligaments, blood supply and nerve supply to the uterus are severed, the pelvis is irreparably damaged.
Uterine contractions during orgasm can no longer occur, though what you experienced as orgasm before your surgery must not have had anything to do with your uterus.
Every woman and man has a right to full disclosure of accurate information about the functions of the female organs and the consequences of their removal. If it sounds scary, it is not because HERS is trying to scare you, it is the way you felt when you were provided with factual information.
HERS wishes you the best in your recuperation. Surely you do not want to deny accurate information to other women. Hopefully you are not attempting to encourage other women to ignore the facts so that they, too, undergo hysterectomy without the information requisite to "Informed Consent".
I agree with the comment of feb 13th 2013 . I think this is an angry bias site . I had a hysterectomy 3 wks age . I feel great . No difference in having an orgasm . Feel much more desire then before surgery . … There is such a thing as medical hexing . What you read or are told come true . I'm so glad I found this site after the fact. . How about hers giving both sides. Positive studies. . Women who are better off and happy with their decision to have a hysterecomy , In stead of scare tactics and all horror stories .
Linda – I am sorry that you were also scammed! It is truly appalling that these fraudsters get away with this.
I was also gutted (castrated) for an ovarian mass (a benign cystadenoma) by my gynecologist of 20 years who was assisted by gynecology residents. I did not even know I was at a teaching hospital (a Mercy hospital) until I was in pre-op and sedation had already been started. Although the Catholic Church does not believe in birth control, they have no qualms against permanent birth control via hysterectomy. Follow the money! Sickening beyond words!
Shame on you John Kennady for being an enabler in the hysterectomy industry.
I wish I had kniwn of HERS before I went in for surgery to remove a large ovarian mass. I do not remember giving consent for a hysterectomy but certainly the effects of one or having one at all were never discussed. I was appalled to learn that even my appendix were removed. I have had nothing but pain and physical & mental issues since the surgery in August 2010.
John Kennady, your post on HERS blog with a link to what must be one of your customers, Manipal Hospitals, is going to backfire on you and the hospital. Their hysterectomy information is inadequate, seriously misleading and erroneous. Under "Side effects" the hospital says:
After having a hysterectomy, you may experience some temporary side effects as outlined below.
Bowel and bladder disturbances
Vaginal discharge
It says nothing about loss of uterine orgasm, diminished support to the bladder and bowel, the shortening of the vagina and the increased risk of heart disease, lung disease and Parkinson's Disease, to name a few of the consequences that were not mentioned as a warning to women.
This is the only mention of sex after hysterectomy is :
After a hysterectomy, it’s generally recommended that you don’t have sex until any vaginal discharge has stopped and you feel comfortable and relaxed, or after a minimum of six weeks.
The lack of accurate information is appalling and unacceptable. Why don't you do something about that, John Kennady? Why did you choose to put women in harms way by providing a link in your post that is designed to lull women into believing that having their females organs removing is a breeze, a walk in the park.
HERS would normally delete posts that are spam, but you work for a company that makes money off of products for women. HERS is going to boycott Bella Hygiene products until the company posts accurate information about the consequences of hysterectomy. Until then, all women should join a boycott Bella Hygiene products.
thanks for sharing blog about Hysterectomy see more at Hysterectomy
Even absent osteoporosis, hysterectomy alters the skeleton as a result of the severing of the ligaments (the pelvis' support structures). My figure has been destroyed and I have discomfort and pain in my midsection and hips from this assault on my body.
I have to wonder too about what happens to the digestive process since our organs shift once the uterus is removed. And hormones also play a role in digestion. Something has been seriously wrong with my bowels and digestion for all of the 8 years since my hysterectomy. Symptoms point to pancreas or gallbladder.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am sorry for your osteoporosis diagnosis. And as you well know, osteoporosis is just one of MANY increased health risks and quality of life robbing adverse effects of hysterectomy (ovary removal or not).
These gynecologists are nothing short of criminals. And sadly, too many doctors will not admit that hysterectomy is overused nor admit to the harm it causes. Your rheumatologist is an exception.
Even though ACOG says that 76% of hysterectomies do not meet their criteria, they aren't doing a darn thing about it. The Choosing Wisely campaign is a joke since hysterectomy and oophorectomy (two of the top unnecessary surgeries) are not even on ACOG's list – http://www.choosingwisely.org/doctor-patient-lists/american-college-of-obstetricians-and-gynecologists/.
And as one renowned gynecologist said – Graduate Medical Education accreditation should be counting the number of hysterectomies AVOIDED versus the number performed. Each resident must do 70 hysterectomies (35 abdominal, 15 vaginal, and 20 laparoscopic) – https://www.acgme.org/acgmeweb/Portals/0/PFAssets/ProgramResources/220_Ob_Gyn%20Minimum_Numbers_Announcment.pdf. And some women do not even realize they are in a hospital with a GME program until it is too late.
Do we need a law to stop these criminals – Hell yes!
I saw a rheumatologist recently as my latest DXA scan showed a drastic decrease in bone density from my last DXA scan in 2010. My spine went from -3.0 to -3.6 over the last three and a half years. I am 41 years old and had a total hysterectomy and loss of both ovaries nine years ago at the age of 33 in 2005. It turned my life upside down and it has never been the same. Despite supplementing with calcium and Vitamin D all along, eating a very healthy whole foods diet, taking bioidentical estrogen and progesterone replacement (and on occasion testosterone) for the last nine years, and weight bearing exercise at least three times a week along with yoga, cardio, cycling and other forms of exercise up to five times a week for the last five years, my bone density continues to get worse. HRT does not prevent bone loss. This rheumatologist was actually angry that the gyneocologist removed my ovaries at such a young age. He said it was a real shame, and that it should be outlawed to remove a woman's ovaries unless it is life and death, and especially when she is in her prime of life. He has worked with many women who have lost their ovaries and suffer from osteoporosis. If you visit osteoporosis forums, you will find a number of hysterectomized women. Fractures are debilitating and seriously hinder quality of life. In some cases, people die. I am facing the osteoporosis medications now and will start one next week. They can have very harsh side effects and long term safety issues, so don't think they will save you from hell later if not now.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this for anyone considering this horrible and drastic surgery. Osteoporosis is a very real risk factor that is rarely touched upon by gynecologists. HRT has not been shown to prevent it according to most legitimate studies. And even conventional specialists like my rheumatologist are against it, at least the ovary removal anyway. Not all doctors are gung ho for stripping a woman of important endocrine organs, thank God.
Stephanie, there are no "double blind" hysterectomy studies. It would require an equal number of women to undergo pelvic surgery, with half of them having their female organs removed, and half not having any organs removed. Such a study would be unethical and would never receive institutional approval.
Stephanie H.
I'm not going into a lengthy discussion as to why your comments about the study is not an argument against the HERS mission. But I will say the following:
– study claims not to affect pelvic function, last time I checked the uterus and ovaries are in fact part of one's pelvic organs and a hysterectomy does affect these functions, minimally and all pelvic structures maximally
– HERS has been contacted by more women than is in this study concerning the devastating issues post-hysterectomy; not the other way around, no need for lies.
– The double-blind study I want to see if women who have been hysterectomized in comparison to non-hysterectomized women, especially since you claimed that HERS is lying, you believe there is zero effect from a hysterectomy.
Let's hope you won't have to find out the truth concerning hysterectomy.
You want real facts concerning hysterectomy… here ya go New England Journal of medicine, DOUBLE BLIND STUDY, scientific and well respected… the conclusion of that study was
The rates of urinary frequency (urination more than seven times during the day) were 33 percent in the subtotal-hysterectomy group and 31 percent in the total-hysterectomy group before surgery, and they fell to 24 percent and 20 percent, respectively, at 12 months (P=0.03 for the change over time within each group; P=0.84 for the interaction between the treatment assignment and time). The reduction in nocturia and stress incontinence and the improvement in bladder capacity were similar in the two groups. The frequency of bowel symptoms (as indicated by reported constipation and use of laxatives) and measures of sexual function (including the frequency of intercourse and orgasm and the rating of the sexual relationship with a partner) did not change significantly in either group after surgery. The women in the subtotal-hysterectomy group had a shorter hospital stay (5.2 days, vs. 6.0 in the total-hysterectomy group; P=0.04) and a lower rate of fever (6 percent vs. 19 percent, P<0.001). After subtotal abdominal hysterectomy, 7 percent of women had cyclical bleeding and 2 percent had cervical prolapse.
Neither subtotal nor total abdominal hysterectomy adversely affects pelvic organ function at 12 months. Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy results in more rapid recovery and fewer short-term complications but infrequently causes cyclical bleeding or cervical prolapse." http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa013336
Endometrial ablation is often followed by symptoms such as pain, intermittent or irregular bleeding, a feeling of being bloated and pelvic pressure.
Did you read HERS "Endometrial Ablation" link at http://www.hersfoundation.org? It is a detailed description of the effects of endometrial ablation.
If you would like to discuss your specific situation please contact HERS at 610-667-7757 to schedule time to talk by phone. These issues are too complex to discuss in a blog.
I had a Thermal (balloon) ablation 10 years ago for heavy periods about a year ago I started having searing pains in my stomach I have had a scan and a biopsy and have been told my uterus has a thick lining and scar tissue. I have been told the only thing I can do is have a hysterectomy leaving my ovaries
I am 50 years old and very confused please advise
If you feel that having your female organs removed was the best decision for you, then it was right for you. It must have been difficult to have, for years, periods that lasted three weeks. What was the cause of the bleeding? Would you provide substantiation for your assertion as fact that "the vast majority of women who have a hysterectomy LOVE their decision and it only changes their life for the better." HERS has counseled over 2,000,000 women. While there are a few women who said "It's the best thing I ever did in my life", the overwhelming majority feel that it ruined their health, their bodies, their sexual response, changed their personality and deprived them of the vitality and energy they had prior to their female organs being removed. They were either told nothing about the damaging effects of hysterectomy or they were told their uterus and/or ovaries were not needed if they were not interested in having children.Nothing could be further from the truth. The uterus is a hormone responsive reproductive sex organ that supports the bladder and the bowel. Move information about the life long functions of the female organs is available at http://www.hersfoundation.org/anatomy. While you visit HERS website click on http://hersfoundation.com/effects.html to find out what women report about the effects of hysterectomy.Nancy (not your name, it was assigned to you since you posted anonymously) I have a couple of questions to ask you.Since you are glad you had your female organs removed, why are you still looking for information about hysterectomy? HERS Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs video was vetted by three gynecologists and two lawyers. They are in agreement that everything in the video is correct. Why does it disturb you to have the facts about the damaging effects of the surgery made public? What motivates you to encourage other women to undergo hysterectomy without knowing the facts about the effects?
Robotic hysterectomy was the best decision I've ever made! After years of 3-week long periods making my life miserable, I couldn't wait to get rid of my bleeding painful uterus. Fact is the vast majority of women who have a hysterectomy LOVE their decision and it only changes their life for the better. Shame on this website for needlessly scaring women.
I'm not sure what's unclear on the HERS website, but no matter what one believes once a woman has been given a hysterectomy, the conversation is over as there is nothing to be done. HERS does not attempt to convince any woman of anything, this site is HERS attempt to provide factual information around the female anatomy, expose the proclaimed justifications for a hysterectomy and relaying women's experience prior and post surgery.
While one can read more into this site, (e.g. HERS is flat out against hysterectomy, HERS is engaging in scare tactics, HERS tells women they are damaged, etc.) that would be on the reader and not related to any statement made or position taken by HERS.
On the other hand a doctor may focus on diagnosis/symptoms to justify a hysterectomy as a woman's only/best option in the face of benign conditions or unproven cancer.
Everyone facing a hysterectomy, should calmly and critically read the information being provided and decide thier best course of action.
Those gynecologists… poor little things… they have to keep up their standard of living by tearing out womens vital organs…. why don't they get a real job!!
I'm SO glad you listened to your intuition. I regret that I didn't listen to mine. As HERS said, PLEASE pass the word!
Kudos for your excellent decision to listen to the alarm bells that went off in your head as warning that you needed to get the facts about the consequences of hysterectomy before considering surgery.
Please do not hesitate to contact HERS if you ever have the need for more information.
Spread the word, educate all the women in your life about the critically important life-long functions of the female organs.
At 3 pm, Monday, August 5 2013, I was to get myself admitted to hospital for a hysterectomy. Over the course of five weeks I met the the doctor, did the the pre-operative tests, and finally met the anesthesiologist. The consultation with the anesthesiologist confirmed that my heart condition (prolapsed mitral valve) did not make me a good contender for a laparoscopic procedure. I was told my surgery will take place with the injection of epidural in the spine and that I will be wide awake during the operation.
Alarm bells went off in my mind which made me look for information on the internet.
I came across the HERS Foundation and after reading the information and hearing the DVD I have decided not to go ahead with the surgery and I feel that all my worries have been justified.
This is important information and I should get it out. Thank you HERS Foundation.
Ajita Sinha Lyngdoh
47 years
You can contact HERS at 610.667.7757 or visit http://www.hersfoundation.org and fill out the Contact form to request the information about foods and supplements that make fibroids grow.
Thanks for the info. I felt in my gut I could leave them alone but felt pressure from the medical community to do something about them.
I had a feeling sugar wasn't good ( I don't think it's good for anything). Any other foods to stay away from or is there some book you could refer to me about diet?
Again thank you for the help I am so grateful!!!!
I had many fibroids when I was in peri-menopause. I am now past menopause. The fibroids do not bother me or cause me any issues. After menopause, fibroids atrophy. Estrogen feeds them and sugar and other foods contribute to excess estrogen. That is why diet can help shrink them. You can most certainly leave the fibroids alone. I have read it and can personally say that is what I did and I never regretted it and it ahs been almost 5 years now.
Hi Jean,
As it says at the top of the blog, we request that no one posts anonymously, but if they do we are glad to assign them an alias.
My name is jean not Fran
Thank you!! Can I do nothing and just let the fibroid be?
A pedunculated fibroid is the easiest location and type of fibroid to surgically remove. Pedunculated fibroids grow on a long stalk that is the blood supply. The surgeon severs the blood supply and cauterizes it, and lifts out the fibroid, much as a baby would be lifted out of a woman's pelvis during a C section.
If you would like more information about having your fibroid removed, and the names of gynecologists skilled at performing myomectomy, fill out the 'Contact' form on HERS website, or call HERS at 610.667.7757.
Maybe you have a hormone imbalance. That happened to me when I was in peri-menopause.
The doctor gave me blood tests as a first step. This told my doctor I had a hormone imbalance. I received prometrium and it got my periods back on track. I do not use it now but it helped me during that time. I had been told previously to get a hysterectomy.
Please stay away from Provera if that is offered. It is derived from horse urine and cruel methods against pregnant mares are used to make the drug. I also recommend reading the book, "What your doctor may not tell you about peri-menopause" by Dr. John Lee. It tells about the dangers of Provera. I took it at first and it was awful.
You do not need a hysterectomy to get rid of multiple fibroids or HUGE fibroids. Please change doctors if you are told you need a hysterectomy and NEVER consent to exploratory surgery. You will most likely come out without your organs.
Diet also helps shrink fibroids. Dr. Lee explains that in his books also. If these routes do not help you, you can get a referral from Nora Coffee to have the fibroid removed through a myomectomy from a doctor that you can trust.
Please write back if you need more information.
I would like to know what this foundation would say to me a woman whose ob/gyn neglected to find my fast growing fibroid even though I complained about it every year I went in for my yearly exam. It now is 19cm and is pushing my stomach out my back out I'm peering every 5 seconds. The only way to get my pedunculatrd fibroid out is with surgery due to the fact it grew 6cm's in 2 months. Would you tell someone in my situation to not have a hysterectomy and let this thing grown out my throat. I'm 45 and have been in menopause do that is not stopping it. What do you suggest I do. Your information is scary and you should not be going that to woman. Tell me what should I do??????
Hello Fran –
Looks like many years have passed. What did you decide?
Did you wait it out?
Hopefully, I will never get uterine/ovarian cancer. However, if I do, I doubt I will get a hysterectomy or allow a doctor to do exploratory surgery. There are alternative treatments/doctors out there for cancer. A hysterectomy just would not make it worth it to me no matter how it turned out. Glad for this site to be informed of the consequences of a hysterectomy.
Thanks for your post Lynn! You never know what you've got 'til it's gone!!!
Every single body organ has an intricate irreplaceable function. The uterus is a uniquely vital organ, not something to just throw away. It is a high value target in a world of greed. Time to cherish your very self.
Reposting since the article title didn't come through as a link –
This article on Medpagetoday is more evidence of gynecologists' tactics to justify removal of women's sex organs – Study Suggests Benefit for Salpingectomy
Sign up and post your comments on Medpagetoday!
This article on Medpagetoday is more evidence of gynecologists' tactics to justify removal of women's sex organs – Study Suggests Benefit for Salpingectomy
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It's clear that gynecology is living in the "dark ages" since Graduate Medical Education accreditation requirements emphasize hysterectomy to the exclusion of uterus-sparing procedures. With fibroids being one of the most common "reasons" for hysterectomy, why is myomectomy not included on the GME Accreditation Council's required procedures? They continue to emphasize abdominal, vaginal, and laparoscopic hysterectomies.
Women attached to their uterus??? You bet we are, Dr. Robert Jason, and we intend to keep our uteri connected to their ligaments, nerves and blood supply! You, and the majority of gynecologists, are determine to detach and remove the uterus from all women who do not use it for pregnancy. You are a medieval doctor, stuck in the dark ages, the period void of intellectual thought and filled with barbarity. Women are attached to their gonads, too. Truth Seeker gave you the start of a basic 101 elementary Female Anatomy lesson. If you pass the exam and continue to Female Anatomy 102 you will learn that the ovaries are the female gonads. Women are attached to their balls, though they are difficult to hold onto when gynecologists remove them from 73% of women during hysterectomy. The medically correct word for removal of the ovaries is castration. Robert, are you finished fathering children? Or perhaps you choose not to be a father. Why do you remain attached to your penis and testicles? Are you suffering from the concept that your male organs are part of what makes you feel like you are a man? Robert, it is not too late to educate yourself. Watch the video Female Anatomy and the life long Functions of the Female Organs at http://www.hersfoundation.org. There will be an exam following the video about the consequences of removing the female organs. The information is critically important, therefore the exam is pass/fail. Your score must be 100% to pass. It is imperative that all medical students and doctors know functions of the female organs.You can take your hands off of your crotch. No one is amputating and removing the male organs of men who do not use them for conception.
Truthseeker, it's not surprising that you didn't receive a response from good old doc. The comment about women having an attachment to their uterus being a misconception is the biggest pile of demeaning crap I've ever heard. I never had an attachment to my uterus any more than any other body part. However, after having a quack cut it out of me, now my ability to have an orgasm is nearly impossible, and at best it's diminished about 70%. I love how they always bring up cancer, yet the instance of cancer is miniscule compared to the female sex organs that are being amputated every year.
Dr. Robert Jason – You evidently haven't watched the female anatomy video detailing the lifelong functions of the female SEX organs (uterus included). Or maybe you just choose to ignore these facts. As Upton Sinclair said "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
Listed below are the MANY non-reproductive (lifelong) functions of the uterus:
1) Cardiovascular protection – Premenopausal hysterectomy is associated with a 3x risk of heart disease – http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7457522
2) Pelvic integrity (skeletal) – Four sets of ligaments are severed to remove the uterus. This compromises pelvic integrity leading to spine compression, widening hip bones, back, hip, rib cage pain, and a protruding belly.
3) Pelvic integrity (internal anatomy) – Hysterectomy causes displacement of the bladder and bowel leading to elimination problems, incontinence, and prolapse.
4) Endocrine function – The uterus, ovaries, and tubes work together as a system. When a woman has all her parts, her ovaries will produce hormones into her 80's. When the uterus is removed, the ovaries are shown to fail about 40% of the time resulting in a castrative type "menopause" with increased all cause mortality similar to that of ovary removal.
5) Sexual function – Without a uterus, a woman cannot have a uterine orgasm. Additionally, severed nerves and blood vessels cause reduced sensation / sexual function.
Since you think women's SEX organs are disposable, do you think men's prostates or testicles are no longer needed after they've had all the children they desire??
Many women express attachment to their uterus, under the misconception that the uterus is what makes them feel like a woman. To clarify, the uterus has one, maybe two important functions for a woman. First and foremost, it is an incubator—a warm, nurturing place for a baby to grow. Its questionable second function is to remind you that it’s an incubator, by bringing you your monthly period! However, when it comes to feeling like a woman, in terms of having well-rounded breasts and vaginal lubrication, your uterus is not responsible. Your ovaries are responsible for the maintenance of these feminine characteristics by producing hormones. In the case that a hysterectomy (without removal of the ovaries) is indicated, lasting side effects are limited once the woman has healed. For women who are pre-menopausal, they will no longer be able to carry a child and will not have a monthly period. However, it is important to note that a woman will not go into full menopause if the ovaries are left intact. In cases where hysterectomy with removal of the ovaries is indicated (e.g., some cancer cases), a pre-menopausal woman will experience acute onset of menopause symptoms, which may include: hot flashes, night sweats, increased emotional lability, vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive, osteoporosis, pain during sex (dyspareunia) and decreased genital sensation.
With that said, there are lots of medical reasons to consider a hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus. For cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer, hysterectomy is often a treatment option that is seriously considered, but varies on an individual woman’s circumstances (e.g., of child bearing age, intent to reproduce, etc.). For conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain, a hysterectomy is one of many options. While hysterectomy may be an option with the proper indications, there are many other non-surgical or less invasive procedures that a woman can choose from during an informed consent with her gynecologist or gynecological oncologist. Options include ongoing monitoring with your doctor, medications, hormone therapy, focused ultrasound, and other surgical procedures based on your particular issue and circumstances. Essentially, hysterectomy is no longer the primary answer for these wide ranging gynecological issues, so it is important to discuss your concerns and your options with your physician.
A man who has never had a uterus is here telling women what “functions” a uterus has. Not surprisingly, he doesn’t understand that for many women, orgasms are experienced in both the cervix and the uterus and women most definitely notice when they’re gone. I wish my doctor had warned me, but my doctor also had the incorrect view that female orgasms are only experienced in the clitoris, and I stupidly accepted this view (even though I had woken up in the midst of a uterine orgasm many times while I was pregnant, and there was no question that it included the uterus.)
Unfortunately, female gynecologists tell women the same thing as male gynecologists do. They tell women if they are not using there uterus to have children that it is just a useless bleeding organ that could develop cancer. The major difference is women are more likely to believe a female gynecologist, so this has made femaile gynecologists more dangerous.
The ABIM Foundation initiated a campaign called "Choosing Wisely" to help patients get care that's NECESSARY, DOESN'T CAUSE HARM, and IS SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE. Each specialty developed a list of unnecessary tests and procedures.
Even though the top two unnecessary surgeries are c-section and hysterectomy, only C-section is on ACOG's list. ACOG itself has determined that 76% of hysterectomies do NOT meet their criteria and there's plenty of medical evidence showing the harm of hysterectomy. It's obvious that gynecologists' hands will have to be forced into stopping this practice of de-sexing women.
According to the book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" by
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, surgery is described as addictive per the following:
Surgeons, for instance, describe operations as being addictive, “like taking heroin."
So we're up against a combination of money, power, and addiction.
Hysterectomies are all about money. Do you think gyn's make their comfortable lifestyle doing pap smears? Go to your local county record information and see what they paid for their house(s). They have to fund it some how. It's also fun to do surgery… that is what they like to do. Go to a nurse practitioner for your routine pap smears if you feel you need them.
Absolutely. Money hungry quaks.i was a victim…of no alternatives regrets for ever…misled into a surgery by a nurse..and 2 drs… For heavy periods…and a sist on one ovary.
Only about 2% of hysterectomies are done for cancer. So why do 1 in 2 women have a hysterectomy by age 72?
ACOG concluded as part of a study that 76% of hysterectomies don't meet their criteria so obviously many women are having their SEX organ(s) needlessly removed. Yet ACOG isn't doing anything to change it.
Women who seek out the truth about their diagnosis and the lifelong functions of the female organs (as provided by the non-profit HERS Foundation) rarely choose hysterectomy or castration. Of course, that requires that they were told their true diagnosis versus lies. I've heard too many stories of women who were told they HAVE cancer or "pre-cancer" that WILL BECOME cancer when that wasn't the case. But the deception goes much further than that.
Many women who've been hysterectomized need to justify their decision. It's difficult to come to terms with having been betrayed and harmed by a doctor. And it's difficult for many women to admit (to themselves and others) that they had a sex organ(s) removed. This perpetuates the overuse and abuse of hysterectomy.
I was told I had cancer but I did not have cancer. I got several opinions myself but if I had followed the doctors that recommended a hysterectomy, I would have had a major surgery that just was not necessary. I finally found a doctor that was truthful with me and all I had wrong was a hormone imbalance due to peri-menopause. Today, I am intact.
I personally am thankful that HERS provides the facts – it helped me when I was researching for the truth. The facts are ugly but there is not a "nice" way to present the reality of a hysterectomy. The truth is what it is.
If you know of a specific statement on HERS website or videos that is not medically correct, please tell us. The information on HERS website is well documented in medical journals, medical textbooks and other medical literature. If there is anything in error, please tell us specifically and we will immediately correct it.
Providing factual information about the functions of the female organs and the consequences of their removal is important for women to learn about the effects of hysterectomy. Information gives women the power to make their own informed decisions. Denying women being given information, which is what you seem to be advocating, keeps women in the dark.
The issue is not whether a hysterectomy and castration (removal of the female gonads, the ovaries, is castration) is medically warranted, the primary issue is hysterectomy informed consent. Unless women are informed about the lifelong functions of the female organs and the damaging effects of their removal, regardless of the reason the surgery is performed, they are not empowered to make an informed choice. In all circumstances, including a diagnosis of cancer, women have a right to make an informed decision about treatment. You made a decision that you feel was right for you, that was your choice and it should not be judged.
It is understandable that you think the information HERS presents about the consequences of hysterectomy is scary and negative. It is both, and as such, it is imperative that women be told this critically important information. We should not withhold scary or negative information from women, indeed, that would be treating them like incompetents.Well informed women are equipped to make decisions about their health that is right for them.
I agree the word castration brings to mind a very negative image. It is, however, the medically accurate word for removal of the ovaries. The ovaries are the female gonads. Removal of the ovaries is castration. If you look up castration in a medical dictionary you will see it defined as removal of the testicles or ovaries. I agree with you that castration is an "awful" surgery. I encourage everyone to use the medically correct words so that women understand what is recommended to them.
I hope you will respond and tell HERS anything on our website that is not accurate.
The HERS Foundation should be ashamed of themselves – another wannabe "medical" organization that shouldn't even have a non-profit status. You have ZERO medical authority to be touting scare tactic BS to women about hysterectomies. The information you present on your website is both dangerous and you need to get your facts straight. The way you present your information is negative and it sends the message that women are idiots and can't think for themselves. Do you know how many women NEED to have hysterectomies to save their lives? Have you ever heard of cancer???? I recently had a hysterectomy and I've never felt better. I have my life back and I don't feel scarred or damaged, and how DARE you tell women that hysterectomy is going to ruin their lives. Not to mention, it is not your place or right to tell a woman what she should do or not do with her body. I worked in public health for a long time and your supposed foundation disgusts me. I wish someone would shut down your funding because you are doing a grave and dangerous disservice to the public health community concerning educating women about their GYN health. Instead of hands off my uterus, hands off my choice and MY body. My body, my choice and that includes MY decision to choose to have a better quality of life. You don't know me or my circumstances or any woman's circumstances who decide to have a hysterectomy. Women aren't idiots! I did my research–you know, scientific, medical research and got plenty of second opinions. In no way, do I feel like damaged goods nor desexed NOR castrated–that is the most awful word you could possibly use to scare a woman–shame on you. Absolutely disgusting and I feel bad for the women who actually believe this bogus crap you're spewing through your foundation. And I'm not the only one who thinks your tactics and methods are abominable. Betsy B. Honest feels the same way. And the last time I checked my vagina wasn't ballooning out or hanging down my legs!!!
Sadly too many women are misled and misinformed by greedy doctors. If I found HERS FOUNDATION before those evil doctors tricked and butchered my healthy female organs causing complication after complication, I would be JUMPING FOR JOY with ALL MY HEALTHY FEMALE ORGANS FULLY INTACT……. Medical Rape: Coerced Hysterectomy … – Hormones Matter
I disagree with you. The doctors were going to have me go through a needless operation. Thanks to Nora Coffee I did not have that operation. With her knowledge and guidance I was no longer frightened and that Mass the doctors Said I had was a cyst on my ovary and disappeared as soon as I started my period!
You dodged a lifetime of agony.
The body heals and one you’ve broken the delicate and crucial communication among organs, you can’t fix it.
They will not learn, we’re on a population reduction program.
Our stories are similar. My doctor also should have only removed a benign ovarian cyst. Instead he desexed / castrated me. There was nothing wrong with my uterus or ovaries aside from the cyst. How is this not a criminal offense of sexual assault? Or at least a valid medical malpractice case?
Thank you Nora (and HERS staff) for your tireless efforts in educating others about the lifelong functions of the uterus and ovaries and the permanent damage caused by hysterectomy and other gynecological procedures.