Jeanette’s response to the letter from the hospital that enabled a gynecologist to forever change her life.
She did not and will not keep quiet.

Dear Dr. Betrayal,
I was asked to share with everybody the meaningful impact your self-proclaimed heroes have had on my life.
Along with this letter they’ve also asked me to a identify the Doctor who has made a difference in my life and pay tribute to him. I would like everyone to know that the doctor who changed my life was Dr. Betrayal. I would like to pay tribute to his deceitfulness, because without it and his untruths I never would have lost my uterus. Luckily for me I have constant pain all day and night to remind me that it was Dr. Betrayal who made the difference in my life. It’s the look of inconvenience in his face that brought me solace on those painful sleepless nights, thank you doctor. He has deflecting down to a science, and has made it an art form. His ability to diagnose a problem with absolutely no test and without putting his hands even on your body is amazing. He was able to tell me I had (IC)Interstitial Cystitis and that it was causing me my pain. Of course he had to be right. What else could it be? It couldn’t be that he ripped out my uterus when all he was supposed to do was remove a fibroid. Or could it? I almost forgot I was asked to make a donation but I don’t need to Dr. Betrayal told me that by stealing my uterus he was able to put his kid through college. I would like to take this time to say you’re welcome, think of me as your personal lab rat and my mutilated body your creation. I would like to add that Betrayal’s techniques and bed side manner are reminiscent of the Josef Mengele school of medicine.
Good luck
This letter tells the story of all of us. Our journeys, struggles, and ultimately our worst nightmare. I lost my uterus on May 11th, 2023. I live with Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Cervical Spinal Stenosis, and lastly Neuropathy. The Dr. That ruined my life and made me feel that everything was in my head, and I was faking all of my symptoms was non-other than a female doctor. Although I feel she betrayed and violated her Doctorly duty. She simply brushed me off. Which gave way to my disease to grow and become worse; to which a hysterectomy was the only option. Thank you, Dr. V from Kaiser. Thank you for providing me the strength to fight for not only myself but my fellows Warriors as well!
I thought I was alone in this thinking of unnecessary hysterectomies! My Dr wanted me to have a full hysterectomy because of one incidence of mild dysplasia! I was 55 (now 56), and so glad I had the fortitude to stave off the gynecological whore mongers! In the research I completed online, not once did I see an effective treatment for mild dysplasia as a full hysterectomy! I even got a second opinion from another traditional gynecologist, which was the same recommendation. I implore women to consider the many alternatives to hysterectomies! To those who are searching, trust yourself and your gut, and do not be afraid to stand alone!!
Nora Coffey is a beautiful soul. I am so grateful for her book and all that she has done and continues to do for women. Thank you HERS.
Dear Dr Betrayal. I lost more than just my HEALTHY UTERUS. I was bullied and threatened out of my HEALTHY CERVIX taking half my vagina with it. My HEALTHY fallopian tube and HEALTHY OVARIES, and several HEALTHY lymph nodes by the monster who I said the same as the last sentence of the letter below…
“Betrayal’s techniques and bed side manner are reminiscent of the Josef Mengele school of medicine.”
Medical Rape: Coerced Hysterectomy … – Hormones Matter…
Hi June, I too am from Melbourne. A few years ago I was having signficant issues due to heaps of massive fibroids – my womb was stretched up under my ribcage I had so many! I ended up being refered to the Royal Women’s in Parkville. The gyno was an older gentleman, very sweet, but quite adament I needed a hysterectomy. The fibroids were causing all sorts of issues, but it was the way he fobbed off my carefully researched questions that set alarm bells off for me. I refused the surgery, and reduced the size of the fibroids ‘naturally’ for a couple of years – I then hit menopause and they shank of their own accord then. So: no need to have a hysterectomy at all. At that initial appointment I asked him how common my situation was, and he said that most of the women in the waiting room were here to be assessed for hysterectomy due to fibroids. I was shocked as the waiting room was packed with about 30 women of all ages, shapes and sizes. Your situation is quite different to mine though in that you were told you had cancer, and I think that if I’d been diagnosed with cancer then I too would have gone ahead with a hysterectomy. Why do you think they fabricated your cancer diagnosis? Just curious. Also, were you public (ie medicare) or private? Hope you’re feeling better now that further time has elapsed. My mother had a hysterectomy and wasn’t well for a couple of years, but slowly returned to her previous level of health and continues still to live life to the full, so fingers crossed you improve also. All the best, Maria
I had NO cancer Maria. This is one of the dirty tricks greedy, self-serving gynaecologist use to find easy prey to exploit for profit, training practice at teaching hospitals, or both.. I, like many innocent trusting women were and will continue to be victims of THE HYSTERECTOMY RACKET…
Never in my worst nightmare did I ever think the most evil and dangerous people to cross my path would have "Dr" in front of their names. Never in my life did I ever believe that doctors would fabricate cancer to slaughter my healthy female organs which NEVER gave me a scrap of trouble in the 58 years I had them fully intact… Tragically I learnt the hard way that the medical establishment is full of rotten apple, especially in the gynaecological industry who target healthy women for personal gain. This happened to me in Melbourne, Australia and is rampant in the Western World. If one single person had said to me before I stepped into a gynaecologist's office that 90% of ALL their procedures are UNNECESSARY, ESPECIALLY HYSTERECTOMIES, I WOULD NEVER HAVE ALLOWED THESE CRIMINALS TO TRICK AND BUTCHER ME FOR PERSONAL GAIN… Fabricating cancer is one of the dirty tricks these charlatans use to frighten healthy women into unnecessary radical hysterectomies. And sometimes they will remove the appendix and lymph nodes as well as the bigger the mutilation, the more the mutilator gets revered and paid…
This letter conveys how I feel and is beautifully written. I lost my life as I knew it on Nov 2, 2010 and will live in pain forever. I have a long time to suffer, as I am now 54. Dr's have lost their moral compass. They only support one another in order to protect themselves from being sued for the harm they do unto women. Modern medicine – I don't think so. The only way to stop this maddness is to require, by law, that all women who have a hysterectomy take a course that details all of the information on this site. Then have a minimum waiting period before proceeding with surgery, if they still choose that option.
It is truly a shame that the one specialty meant to preserve women's health is actively and knowingly destroying it. These gynecologists have lost sight of their purpose. They have ignored the "Do no harm" rule and instead have hurt women for financial gain. This is truly sickening.